
Ping Bulk Ip's , Bulk ip's checker

Primary LanguageShell

Ping Bulk IPs Bash Script

This Bash script allows you to ping multiple IP addresses in bulk, providing a quick and convenient way to check the network connectivity of multiple hosts simultaneously.



Make sure you have bash and ping installed on your system.

Running the Script

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/vahid97gh/ping_bulk_ips.git
  2. Navigate to the script directory:

    cd ping_bulk_ips
  3. Make the script executable:

    chmod +x ping_bulk_ips.sh
  4. Run the script, providing a file containing a list of IP addresses:

    ./ping_bulk_ips.sh ip_list.txt

    Replace ip_list.txt with your file containing a list of IP addresses, each on a new line.


  • Bulk Pinging: Quickly check the status of multiple IP addresses.
  • Parallel Execution: Pings are performed concurrently for faster results.
  • Customizable: Adjust the script to meet your specific requirements.


  • -h, --help: Display help information.
  • -f, --file <filename>: Specify the input file containing a list of IP addresses.


./ping_bulk_ips.sh -f ip_list.txt


This project is licensed under the LORES License .