
starter webpak with bootstrap 5 with sass

Primary LanguageSCSS

Bootstrap 5.2 RTL , LTR with webpack


This demo is based on laravel-mix starter kit and its using ejs-compiled-loader to compile ejs files. other functionality and document should work as laravel-mix documentation.


npm install

To run with live reload

npm run hot

Generate production build

npm run production

Add New Html File

new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
    template: "ejs-compiled-loader!./src/index.ejs",
    filename: "index.html",
    inject: false

this will generate index.html file in dist folder and header/footer will be included, please check index.ejs file content.

Include html file

we can use standerd ejs syntex

<% include ./include/header.ejs %>


this file includes bootstrap directly from node_modules