Make g:autoCompletePrimary disabled
Closed this issue · 9 comments
Is it possible to make g:autoCompletePrimary disabled using attributes or some other ways?
Sorry I am missing the point, how or what would define the starting point ?
Can you give more info on what it is your trying to achieve and I can see how it can be changed/adopted to suite this.
I want to make disabled g:autoCompletePrimary input by condition, same functionality is implemented in g:select by disabled attribute (g:select disabled=${my-condition} ... ). If condition is true, I cant input any information, that's my goal.
Try ajaxdependancyselection:0.42-SNAPSHOT2
Any of the autoComplete tags in this plugin should now support disabled="true"
Ok. thank you, I'll try ajaxdependancyselection:0.42-SNAPSHOT2
It seems like option require="false" doesn't work for g:autoCompletePrimary ajaxdependancyselection:0.42-SNAPSHOT2
thanks, can you please try SNAPSHOT3 and see how it goes?
Now it works well. Thank you very much.
Cool I presume this now includes disabled auto complete (as in this is now working too )
Autocomplete is working well