Grails plugin using auto complete to fill first form field, using the id it binds to second form field and auto complete option of 2nd field based on first chosen auto completed box. This is in cases where domain object 1 hasMany of domainclass2 and domainclass2 belongs to domainclass1
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HTML Attribute Class not working
#12 opened by psg2 - 9
500 (Internal Server Error) - jquery-1.11.1.js:9631 - xhr.send( ( options.hasContent && ) || null );
#13 opened by philrice - 5
ads:selectPrimary/Secondary Multi domainClass loading:domain3 default value how to set
#14 opened by Chuang-An - 2
Nested Selection does not work properly
#11 opened by ejaz-ahmed - 14
Attribute class and requiered
#7 opened by Healpiar - 10
Edit/Create Form
#8 opened by sergiogorniski - 9
Make g:autoCompletePrimary disabled
#9 opened by slawter - 32
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improve docs
#3 opened