Micronaut / Single Page App Demo

This project demonstrates use of a Single Page App (written in Vue.js) with a microservices backend (using Micronaut).

The project is a Gradle multi-project build, with subprojects for inventory ("business logic"), auth (user authentication), gateway (API gateway for the SPA), and frontend (Vue.js SPA).

Loading in IntelliJ

You need to install the Lombok plugin for IDEA. Open the Settings panel (Ctrl + Alt + S). Search for "Plugins", then search for "Lombok" in the plugins. Find the plugin and install it.


The inventory, auth and gateway services expect Consul to be running at localhost:8500. This can be most easily accomplished using Docker:

The auth application has been changed to DB authentication and requires mysql to be running, refer to config.properties in base folder which contains mysql configuration db host, name, username, password etc

docker run -d -p8500:8500 consul

There is a killnode shortened to kn in my env or in my ~/.bashrc

function kn {
 kill -9 $(netstat -pln 2>/dev/null |grep LISTEN|grep node|awk '{print $7}'|awk -F"/" '{print $1}');
export kn

Once Consul is running, the services can be started up using Gradle (order is suggested, not required, but all three services should be running prior to making requests against the Gateway).

Start ALL applications in one go.

 kn; MICRONAUT_CONFIG_FILES=$PWD/config.properties ./gradlew gateway:run frontend:serve inventory:run auth:run --parallel

Authentication notes:

There is a slight delay in authenticating. Please refer to DatabaseAuthenticationProvider.java. This commented out segment breaks down the optional process in which highlighted segment passwordEncoder.matches causes this.

Vue 3 demo site

Been watching videos on the latest (vue 3) and decided to write a front end using Vue 3 - it is similar to exising vue 2 front-end. To use vue 3 front-end :

./gradlew frontend-vue3:serve

alternatively go into frontend-vue3 folder and run npm run serve and site will appear on http://localhost:8081/


Start the inventory service:

MICRONAUT_CONFIG_FILES=$PWD/config.properties ./gradlew inventory:run

Start the auth service:

MICRONAUT_CONFIG_FILES=$PWD/config.properties ./gradlew auth:run

Start the gateway service:

MICRONAUT_CONFIG_FILES=$PWD/config.properties ./gradlew gateway:run

Start the frontend with either Gradle or NPM/Yarn:

./gradlew frontend:serve


cd frontend; npm install; npm run serve

The Gateway will run at http://localhost:8080

Access the frontend UI at http://localhost:3000

Users (usernames case sensititve):

acme/password makers/password admin/password

API Documentation

The API documentation for the Gateway can be found at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/