users.add(addUser("admin","password", "Alan", "Wollenstein"));
users.add(addUser("susan","password", "Susan", "Jones"));
users.add(addUser("bill","password", "Billy", "Smith"));
users.add(addUser("ben","password", "Benjamin", "Thomas"));
Above usenames and passwords can login and they all get ROLE_ADMIN
refer to 2nd video and
in Gateway
git clone -b default
Sample to get h2 database working taken from this guide
The discussions on the video around missing aspects of CRUD should all now be fixed -
The user object as shown below is now linked to the updateUserId which is a Long value of actual update userId
when list is received by Gateway gatewayController uses flatMap and connects to userClient picks up User object based on that Id. Gateway has a modified HotelModel object which has User updateUser with getter and setter that is set by the flatMap function. User at front end then sees the list as well as which user that did the update.
Frontend validation (hotels add a hotel ) / backend validation (gateway / HotelSaveCommand )
To run first either install consul locally and run ./consul agent dev
or if you have installed docker simply run sudo docker run -p 8500:8500 consul
./gradlew frontend:start backend:run gateway:run userbase:run --parallel
# Advanced:
# When running on linux a process for node hangs on which also keeps jvms active - killing node kills all other jvms hanging off
# this is all in 1 line to kill if found and start apps
kill -9 $(netstat -pln 2>/dev/null |grep LISTEN|grep node|awk '{print $7}'|awk -F"/" '{print $1}'); ./gradlew frontend:start backend:run gateway:run userbase:run --parallel
The above will launch 1 instance of frontend vuejs site running on localhost:3000
and a backend micronaut site running on port localhost:{random}
a gateway micronaut app running on port
###Security test
curl -X "POST" "http://localhost:8080/login" -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -d '{ "username": "admin", "password": "password" }'
You should see something like this
c:\xxx\micronaut\hotel-info>gradlew frontend:start
To manually start app using npm or yarn run:
micro-projects/hotel-info/frontend$ npm run dev
micro-projects/hotel-info/frontend$ yarn run dev
c:\xxxx\micronaut\hotel-info>gradlew backend:run --stacktrace
To run gateway app : will currently launch and bind to port 8080 - testing single instance only currently
c:\xxxx\micronaut\hotel-info>gradlew gateway:run --stacktrace
curl "http://localhost:8080/list?name=&offset=1"
[{"id":7,"code":"MARL","name":"Mariott International - London Bridge","hotelRooms":[{"roomType":"SING","price":45.00,"stockTotal":200},
{"id":13,"code":"STWL","name":"Starwood Hotels - London Bridge","hotelRooms":[{"roomType":"SING","price":45.00,"stockTotal":200},
{"id":19,"code":"ACGL","name":"Accor Group - London Bridge","hotelRooms":[{"roomType":"SING","price":45.00,"stockTotal":200},
{"id":25,"code":"CHIL","name":"Choice Hotels - London Bridge",
{"id":31,"code":"BEWL","name":"Best Western - London Bridge",
{"id":37,"code":"CARL","name":"Carlson - London Bridge","hotelRooms":[{"roomType":"SING","price":45.00,"stockTotal":200},
{"id":43,"code":"HILI","name":"Hilton - Islington","hotelRooms":[{"roomType":"SING","price":45.00,"stockTotal":200},
{"id":49,"code":"MARI","name":"Mariott International - Islington","hotelRooms":[{"roomType":"SING","price":45.00,"stockTotal":200},
{"id":55,"code":"STWI","name":"Starwood Hotels - Islington","hotelRooms":[{"roomType":"SING","price":45.00,"stockTotal":200},
{"id":61,"code":"ACGI","name":"Accor Group - Islington","hotelRooms":[{"roomType":"SING","price":45.00,"stockTotal":200},
curl "http://localhost:8080/1"
{"id":1,"code":"HILL","name":"Hilton - London Bridge",
webpack-internal:///./node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./src/components/Pagination.vue:99 thi1 0
:3000/#/hotel:1 Failed to load http://localhost:8080/list?name=&offset=0: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:3000' is therefore not allowed access.
webpack-internal:///./src/services/HotelService.js:48 XMLHttpRequest
:3000/#/hotel:1 Failed to load http://localhost:8080/list?name=: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:3000' is therefore not allowed access
No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
is typically an issue when attempting to hit a java micronaut app.
To complete this a new gateway app
will be added after this push which talks to http clients of core backend java micronaut apps.
Port changed in application.yml of backend to ${random.port}
port 8080 will become the gateway site
To create gateway site:
mn create-app gateway
Gateway basics added as part of last push for things to work consul now is required:
Here is a very basic sample of site loading up micronaut backend app via gateway app through to vuejs frontend app.