
Finnotech Php Class

Primary LanguagePHP

Finnotech-Api Php

Finnotech Api for Get Card Number Name And IBAN Number Name and Validate Person Details By Finnotech.ir


Copy Finnotech.php File in Your Project And Use.

You Can Change Similarity in Check User in Finnoch.php at Line 241 , 242


const TOKEN = 'Your Token in Finnotech';
const APPNAME = 'Your App Name in Finnotech';
const APPPASSWORD='App Password in Finnotech';

$finnotech = new Finnotech(TOKEN, APPNAME, APPPASSWORD);

#return IBAN Owner Name
$ibanName= $finnotech->getIBANName('IR****');

#return Card Owner Name
$cardName= $finnotech->getCardName('6037************');

#Send Otp Code For Access To Check Details
$trackId= $finnotech->sendSmsCode('09*********');

#Verify Otp Sms
$token= $finnotech->verifySms('09*********',$otpCode,$nationalCode,$trackId);

#Verify User After verifyCode | arrayOfUserData =[ national_code , trackId , birthDate, firstname , lastName ]
$result = $finnotech->verifyUser ($arrayOfUserData , $token)