
We will be building a Workout Assistant which will help us maintain the right postures while doing various workout exercises. This is mainly a Pose Estimation, and Pose Matching problem. We will be using the POSENET model for Pose Estimation.

Here are some links for your reference:

Pose Detection | ML Kit | Google Developers -

Pose estimation | TensorFlow Lite -

Pose Model - Teachable Machines -

3D Human Pose Estimation in AI Fitness Coach Apps ( -

Evaluation of PoseNet for applied AI-Fitness applications -


This will be a Flutter App leveraging the ML Models created and integrating it in the app.

Base App is uploaded.


How to Contribute

  1. Fork this Repository.
  2. Select an issue on which you want to work. Discuss with the mentors.
  3. Whenever submitting a Pull Request or adding a feature first create a seperate branch using git checkout -b <name-of-the-new-branch>
  4. To commit changes: git commit -m "<a meaningful message>
  5. Before pushing your changes always make sure your local repository is updated. git fetch origin git merge origin
  6. If there are merge conflicts resolve them and then push changes.
  7. To push the changes: git push origin <your-branch-name>
  8. Create a Pull Request on the Repository and we will review it.