
Welcome to Redux Thunk Tutorial! Learn Redux with Todo Static App and Counter App. Utilize Redux DevTools to enhance development capabilities. Discover Redux Thunk with JSON Server, enabling seamless asynchronous actions. Explore key packages used and toggle between dark and light themes. Master Redux and build powerful, responsive websites.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to Redux-Thunk_Tutorial

Learn Redux with Todo Static App and Counter App. Utilize Redux DevTools to enhance development capabilities. Discover Redux Thunk with JSON Server, enabling seamless asynchronous actions. Explore key packages used and toggle between dark and light themes. Master Redux and build powerful, responsive websites.

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Developer :

🖥️ Tech Stack


html5 css3 javascript reactjs redux react-router


npm github vscode

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Let's Dive into What we have made

🚀 Todo Static App :

Harness the power of Redux for efficient state management. Seamlessly add, edit, and delete tasks in a well-organized to-do list. Experience enhanced task management and state control with ease.

Home page

🚀 Counter App :

Experience interactive counting with Redux. Increment, decrement, and reset the counter effortlessly. Utilize Redux's powerful state management for smooth user interactions.

signup page

🚀 Redux Thunk :

Explore login features with Reqres API integration for user authentication. Manage tasks efficiently with the Todo operations using Redux. Utilize Redux DevTools for seamless debugging of async operations. Master state management and enhance productivity in this comprehensive guide.

signup page

🚀 Packages Used :

signup page

🚀 Toggle Theme :

Centralized theme state enables smooth switching between dark and light themes. Redux actions manage theme updates, ensuring a visually appealing user experience. Simple implementation, easy maintenance, and scalability make Redux the ideal choice for the toggle theme functionality. .

Hotels page

Source Code(GitHub link):- https://github.com/vaibhav-mougha/Redux-Thunk_Tutorial
Email:- moughavaibhav@gmail.com

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