
Mini Page Builder in react using Functional Components

Demo image


  • Clone the repository.
  • After cloning, go to the minipagebuider folder
  • Now in the terminal, do npm install
  • For running the project in localhost, do npm start
  • It will open the localhost:3000 in the browser.


It uses HTML5 native Drag and Drop api.


  • make an element draggable by adding the “draggable” attribute
  • make an area droppable by implementing the “dragover” event
  • capture the drag data by implementing the “dragstart” event
  • capture the drop by implementing the “drop” event
  • implement the “drag” event that is fired as the element is being dragged
  • store the intermediate data in the dataTransfer object


  • Drag and drop any number of elements in the editor.
  • Double Click on the dragged element to open the Configurations.
  • Double Click on the dragged element if you want to delete it(Delete button will popup in the modal).
  • Ctrl + S to delete the element if Update Modal is open
  • Delete button to delete the element if Update Modal is open