
Minimalist markdown based wiki generator

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A minimalistic wiki generator that uses markdown files as database and 100% client side rendering.

How to use

  1. Put index.html, config.json and src/main.js in your ${project_root}.
  2. In ${project_root} directory, create a directory called content/ to put all your markdown files in.
  3. Put your home page in content/index.md.
  4. Modify config.json to include your navigation links and other settings. Remember to always put #!content/ before all your links in config.json and also in your markdown files to link to your other files.
  5. Serve your root directory using any web server.

Organizing your content

  1. All your content should be inside the ${project_root}/content folder
  2. Home page will be ${project_root}/content/index.md
  3. Each folder should have it's own index.md file
  4. Underscores (_) in folder names will be displayed as spaces in breadcrumbs


|   |--main.js
    |   |--index.md
    |   |--Sub-section_1
    |   |   |--index.md
    |   |--Sub-section_2
    |       |--index.md


Property Description Default value Example
title Title of your wiki Home My awesome wiki
navigation Links for top navigation bar {} {"Section1": "#!content/Section_1/index.md", "Section 2": "#!content/Section_2/index.md"}
themeName Theme name from https://bootswatch.com/ null materia
themeStyle Corresponding style for selected theme primary light

Example/Demo (this repo)



Inspired from MDWiki