->We were given the problem statement that a lot of food is wasted after an event such as marriages birthday parties and many more

->There are many people on our planet who do not get even a single day meal.

->So we created a platform that connects marriage/party halls and individuals to connect to the nearest place and donate food to those needy people.

->Our main motive is to reduce the food wastage.

->For Accessing our site the user first needs to sign up on the website, and Login to his account.

image Following is a sample username "userxyz" logged in:



our navigation bar contains 5 options


2.About us:- Brief details of our project are shown here.

3.Events-> This section contains the event which we have organised, like re-distribution of food, which would have been wasted at various parties.

4.Our Vision->This section contains the what is our gaols and what we want to achieve through this platfrom .

5.Our Team-> This section contains the members of our group who are handling different roles for running the platfrom.

6.Contact->This section contains for the user to interact with us if they are facing any difficulty or they want review our platfrom. this is how contact us page looks like:


B. <--Logic--> Our platform have a donation button through which a user can donate food or money through our platform User can donate through 2 methods either by money or by food.


1.Donate by money 2.Donate by food:

1.Donate by money->In this user can any amount he/she wish to donate after selecting amount to be donated. user have to fill his/her personal info ,location and credit card number by using this donation money we use this money to donate food to needy people

2.Donate by food->In this, user directly supply food to our organisation.User can donate food, either Raw or Cooked

Single or organisation, both can donate food to our platfrom. After filling personal info our platform will ask how old is the food because we can't feed spoiled food to the people.

If the food is more than 2-3Days old, it will be donated to various livestocks & cowsheds.


After Clicking on submit button a form will be displayed which will show food item no,it's quantity and total capacity how much

our organisation can store food.

< -- Resources -- > We have a resorces page, which will show the availability of items in our stock.

Sample resource Page:


Here you'll get a option to apply for meals for your respective organisation/NGO.

Here, you'll have to register yor organisation, and we'll physically validate your given data. And if found genuine, Food supply will be done for your organisation, according to your requirements and our availability
