
Main branch that holds all the code

Primary LanguageJava


Thanks for visiting, the code here is for my personal use and what I develop in free time. 

Here are a list of projects that are worth checking.


List of Projects:
--HibernateTest - A simple hibernate setup application that uses MySQl and performs CRUD operations.

--JDBCMysqlTest - A simple JDBC/MySQL setup application that uses MySQl and performs CRUD operations.

--Log4JTest - A simple project that shows how to integrate Log4j from org.apache.* to java peojects.

--SnakeGame- A complete UI based application for SnakeGame with HTML Canvas/Jquery/CSS. Description of each and every step is mentioned in that project.

--first-angular-app- A Angular 2 project

--recipe-book - A complete Angular 2 project from end to end.

--JAXB - A simple project that helps us to convet a java object to XML and viceversa.

-- JAXWSServiceCreation - project that shows the service creation of JAXWS webservice (SOAP).

-- JAXWSClientRemoteURL - project that helps to generate/ write a client application for generated WSDL file.

-- JAXRSMessenger - A major JAXRS application (Jersey Implementation) that shows how RESTFul webservice resources are generated and used.

-- SpringBoot - A Basic SpringBoot application that I created using Spring STS plugin for eclipse, we can do the same with STS, Spring Initializr, Spring CLI or Maven(adding "spring-boot-starter-parent" as the parent & "spring-boot-starter-web" as the dependency).

-- SpringBoot-SpringJPA - A complete SpringBoot and Rest application that uses Spring-JPA & Apache derby as a embedded DB with tomcat as a embedded server.

--SpringBoot-CompelteSpringMVC - A complete SpringMVC application generated with SpringBoot, It has both the thymeleaf and JSP engine support. Find that thymeleaf is commented and only jsp view is set in application.properties in resources folder [spring.mvc.view.prefix: /WEB-INF/jsp/].