An OpenUI5 Control which helps developers to create a step-by-step guided tour through their UI5 apps. OpenUI5 Tour enables an user-friendly way to showcase products and features in your website.
You can checkout a live demo here:
Install openui5-tour as an npm module
$ npm install openui5-tour
Add the library to sap.ui5/dependencies/libs and set its path in sap.ui5/resourceRoots in your manifest.json file, as follows:
"sap.ui5": {
"dependencies": {
"libs": {
"openui5.tour": {}
"resourceRoots": {
"openui5.tour": "./FOLDER_WHERE_YOU_PLACED_THE_LIBRARY/openui5/tour/"
Import openui5-tour to your UI5 controller using sap.ui.require:
], function(PlacementType, Text, Tour, TourStep) {
const tourStep1 = new TourStep({
content: new Text({ text: 'Hey! It is a tour!' }),
target: this.getView().byId('someControl'),
title: 'Tour test step 1...'
const tourStep2 = new TourStep({
content: new Text({ text: 'Some important info!' }),
target: this.getView().byId('anotherControl'),
title: 'Really important stuff...',
placement: PlacementType.Right
const tour = new Tour({
steps: [tourStep1, tourStep2],
nextStep: function(){console.dir('next step called from tour step...');},
previousStep: function(){console.dir('previous step called from tour step...');},
started: function() {console.dir('Tour has started...');},
completed: function(){console.dir('Tour has ended...');}
Mauricio Lauffer
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details