
Project 1: Image Processing Application

Lambda Function Invocation

Attach Trigger as S3 Bucket where Original Image will be uploaded

Attach IAM Role & Policies to Lambda & EC2

  1. Lambda : S3 Read and Write / SQS Send Message / CloudWatch Log Group
  2. EC2 : S3 Read and Write / SQS Read & Delete Message / DynamoDB Read/Write

EC2 Security Group

  1. TCP : 8080 : Anywhere (SPRING PROJECT PORT)
  2. HTTP : 80 (Default) : AnyWhere (If hosting any Static WebPage)
  3. SSH : (Default)

Spring Project Deployment Steps

  1. Connect to EC2 via SSH or in Browser Way

  2. Execute Following Commands

    change privilege

    sudo su

    install os updates (YUM is a software package management utility)

    yum update -y

    install apache server

    yum install httpd -y

    check if any jdk installed

    java -version

    install java version 8

    yum install java-1.8.0 -y

    download the JAR of Spring Project from S3 (Replace the Bucket Name, Key/File Name, and AZ-Region where Bucket is Present are passed as parameter)

    alternatively you can use "wget" if S3 Bucket is public

    aws s3 cp s3://bucketnamedemo/awsdemo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar / --region=us-east-1

    run app

    java -jar awsdemo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

    to stop app press "Ctrl + C)

    in case you are detached from application and still its using port and running (Replace Port Number If you are using other)

    lsof -i:8080

    kill the application process running

    kill -9 $(lsof -t -i:8080)