
This repository contains the notes which I have made while learning kubernetes(k8s) from the CKA course, "Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) with Practice Tests" by Mumshad Mannambeth.

CKA Exam Notes

This repository contains the notes which I have made while learning kubernetes(k8s) from the CKA course, "Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) with Practice Tests" by Mumshad Mannambeth.

  • Section 1 - Introduction
  • Section 2 - Core Concept
  • Section 3 - Scheduling
  • Section 4 - Logging & Montoring
  • Section 5 - Application Lifecycle Management
  • Section 6 - Cluster Maintenance
  • Section 7 - Security
  • Section 8 - Storage
  • Section 9 - Networking