
Automated data extraction using APIs, AWS functions to build ETL pipelines, and data modeling in SSIS. Performed data manipulation, profiling, cleansing, integration, and price history tracking.

Primary LanguageTSQL


The aim of this project is to build a data warehouse and a data mart to:

  • Automate daily API data-extraction in AWS for stock prices
  • Integrate and transform the daily data along with other associated financial data (e.g. valuation ratio, earnings and income statement, etc.)
  • Load the integrated, clean,and transformed data to a Data Warehouse and a star schema for specific technical analyses
  • Present the analyses in a visualization format using a Tableau dashboard.

The goals achieved in this project are:

  • Designed ETL pipeline and performed data modeling using SSIS to integrate data into facts and dimensions.
  • Automated extraction of data from multiple data sources using APIs, AWS Lambda and CloudWatch, and exported it to S3.
  • Accomplished data manipulation, profiling, cleansing, integration and price history tracking using SSIS packages.