
Work done for clothist

Primary LanguageRuby


Git workflow & branches

Todo: Any commit in master branch will automatically deploy code to production. Same for staging branch.

  • Master -> We consider origin/master to be the main branch where the s ource code of HEAD always reflects a production-ready state.

  • Staging -> This branch will have the code with the latest changes for the next production release. Tha changes should be merged to master by pull request.

Read more http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model

Rails API & AngularJS SPA


ruby 2.2.3

rails 4.2.0

bundler 1.10.6

rubygems-bundler 1.4.4

node 4.2.2

npm 3.5.0

angular 1.4.7

ubuntu dev env setup

install rvm

gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3
\curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby

install ruby rvm install '2.2.3'

install bundler sudo apt-get install bundler

install compass gem install compass

install nodejs

curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_4.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

update npm sudo npm install -g npm

Running the app

git clone

starting rails server

cd server
bundle install
bundle exec rake db:migrate
rails s


cd client
npm install
bower install
grunt serve


We have two environments in Heroku.


heroku info -a clothist

=== clothist
Addons:        heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
Dynos:         web: 1
Git URL:       git@heroku.com:clothist.git
Owner:         vaibhav.khl@gmail.com
Region:        us
Repo Size:     1 MB
Slug Size:     30 MB
Stack:         cedar-14
Web URL:       https://clothist.herokuapp.com/


heroku info -a clothist-staging

=== clothist-staging
Addons:        heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
Dynos:         web: 1
Git URL:       git@heroku.com:clothist-staging.git
Owner:         vaibhav.khl@gmail.com
Region:        us
Repo Size:     629 kB
Slug Size:     30 MB
Stack:         cedar-14
Web URL:       https://clothist-staging.herokuapp.com/

build frontend assests & push

grunt build
copy content of dist folder and paste it server/public
git subtree push --prefix server staging master

E2E Testing with Protractor

  1. Install protractor: npm install -g protractor
  2. Get an instance of selenium server: webdriver-manager update
  3. Start up a server: webdriver-manager start
  4. Write a Test
  5. Add a configuration file e.g protractor.conf.js
  6. Run the test: protractor protractor.conf.js

E2E Testing with Grunt

  1. npm run selenium_setup
  2. npm run start_selenium_server
  3. grunt