
A Movie Recommender System which uses collaborative filtering techniques and matrix factorization to recommend movies to the user.

Primary LanguageHTML

Movie Recommender System

The website is being hosted at Heroku

MongoDB Collection

The mongoDB collection is stored as the file 206_full_data.csv' and the user information is stored as '206_common_users.csv'. The former file was imported into mongodb using mongoimport :

mongoimport --host <MONGODB-URI> --ssl --username <USERNAME> --password <PASSWORD> --authenticationDatabase admin --db <DATABASE> --collection <COLLECTION> --type <TYPE> --file <LOCATION> --jsonArray

Directory Structure

├── Recommending Algos
├── movie
│   ├── data
│   ├── static
│   └── templates
└── scrapper

A total of 6 directories are present with 27 files. The movie folder is part of the python package and helps in refactoring the code.


All the required dependencies are listed in the requirements.txt file.

To install create a virtual environment using conda or virtualenv. Steps to follow for conda are:

conda create -n movie pip
source activate movie
pip install -r requirements.txt

This will install all the dependencies. A list of important packages used are:

bcrypt -> For hashing passwords
Flask  -> Backend framework in python
Flask-Login  ->  To manage user sessions
flask-mongoengine -> Relationship Manager for MongoDB
Flask-PyMongo -> Python driver for MongoDB
Flask-WTF -> Flask form management 	

Code Base

The various codes in different parts of the making process are placed in different directories.

scrapper -> This directory contains the code for scrapping imdb Top 250 webpage along with the details
Recommending_algos -> Jupyter Notebook's with code for the collaborative filtering (item-item) and matrix factorization

The rest of the folder has files and directories for the website. The website has a package structure and to run the website:

flask run.py

This will launch the server at:

Approach Followed

Step 1 - Scrapping

The ml-latest dataset from MovieLens was used to get user ratings. The dataset had alot of movies so I decided to make my own dataset by scrapping IMDB Top 250. Movie Name, DIrector, Year , Run Time, Stars, Rating, Plot were collected and the collection is in the movie/data folder.

Step 2 - Recommending Algos

For recommendation, from the ml-latest only those users were used who had rated atleast 75 movies from IMDB Top 250. Then the codes for collaborative filtering(item-item, user-user) was written with mse of 1.89 and 2.2 achieved on using similarity of top 40 users(check recommending algos folder for code).

Matrix Factorization was done in a similar way achieving 2.1 MSE(check recommending algos folder for code).

Step 3 - Website

For building the website, Flask was used in the Backend along with Bootstrap for the frontend. Flask-WTF build forms for user authentication and MongoDB Atlas was used to sotre the database online.

The website has a package structure while allowed for refactoring code along with a better directory structure.

Step 4 - Deployment

The database was hosted on MongoDB all along so for hosting the website, heroku was chosen.

To host a flask application on heroku, first gunicorn has to be installed and a requirements.txt had to be generated. Heroku CLI has to be setup and then a Procfile has to be created in the folder.

pip install gunicorn
pip freeze > requirements.txt


web: gunicorn movie:app