
Submission for LiveTheCode hackathon

Primary LanguagePython

BlueBots - LiveTheCode hackathon 2021 submission

Link to the BlueTracker Project website

Live The Code hackathon 2021 submission

About The Project

An online budget tracker. One stop for all your budget tracking needs We present an intelligent online budget tracker (BlueTracker) to efficiently manage budget. Our system will help to plan and track budget related issues where members of the system can securely access it anytime from anywhere via the Internet.

The Intelligent Online Budget Tracker not only keeps track of the budget but also provides means to analyze data via charts and graphs . Maintain your monthly budget. Keep track of your expenses.

The flow of the website is as follows

  1. Login using SAWO Labs
  2. Set goal and budget
  3. Track expenses
  4. Get a detailed view of your budget, spendings and savings
  5. Save more and hit your target to earn bluecoin (BLC) based on polygon and get them in your crypto wallet

Tech Stack Used

  • HTML (layout)
  • CSS (design)
  • Bootstrap (CSS library)
  • JS DOM & jQuery (element manipulation and data insertion)
  • Django web framework for backend/database
  • rest framework for api
  • chart.js
  • SAWO Labs Api
  • Solidity
  • Polygon Blockchain


Workflow in terminal

  • Clone the git repository git clone https://github.com/vaibhavkumar5/Blue-Tracker.git
  • CD into project folder cd Blue-Tracker
  • Boot up VS Code code .
  • Start deployment server using Live Server extension in VS Code

Web link hosted

Link to the Bluebots Project website

Video Demo

Link to the Video Demonstration of the BlueTracker Website
