
Implementation of AdaBoost



Join the chat at https://gitter.im/Robotics-Club-IITJ/adaboost contributions welcome

About Us

We are a group of students at the Robotics Club of Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur aiming to implement the AdaBoost algorithm from scratch.


We are using the following technologies in our project,

  1. C++
  2. Python
  3. CUDA C
  4. Google Test
  5. SWIG

How to contribute?

Follow the steps given below,

  1. Fork, https://github.com/RoboticsClubIITJ/AdaBoost
  2. Execute, git clone https://github.com/<your-github-username>/AdaBoost/
  3. Change your working directory to ../AdaBoost.
  4. Execute, git remote add origin_user https://github.com/<your-github-username>/AdaBoost/
  5. Execute, git checkout -b <your-new-branch-for-working>.
  6. Make changes to the code.
  7. Add your name and email to the AUTHORS, if you wish to.
  8. Execute, git add ..
  9. Execute, git commit -m "your-commit-message".
  10. Execute, git push origin_user <your-current-branch>.
  11. Make a PR.

That's it, 10 easy steps for your first contribution. For future contributions just follow steps 5 to 10. Make sure that before starting work, always checkout to master and pull the recent changes using the remote origin and then start following steps 5 to 10.

See you soon with your first PR.


We recommend you to introduce yourself on our gitter channel. You can include the literature you have studied relevant to AdaBoost, some projects, prior experience with the technologies mentioned above, in your introduction.

Please follow the rules and guidelines given below,

  1. For Python we follow the numpydoc docstring guide.
  2. For C++ we follow the coding style of OpenCV mentioned here.
  3. Follow the Pull Request policy given here. All changes are made through Pull Requests, no direct commits to the master branch.

Keep contributing!!