📕Full Stack JavaScript Bootcamp 2.0

About This Repository

  • This is my repository for Full Stack JavaScript Bootcamp 2.0 Course by Hitesh Sir and Anurag Sir.
  • All the Projects, Articles and other practices are listed below.

📝 Articles

Articles Click Here to get the list of all articles

👨‍💻 Practice & Homeworks

HTML & CSS Assignments and Practices

No. Name Folder Link
1 Homework 05th & 06th November Click Here
2 Practice Files Click Here

JavaScript Assignments & Practices

No. Name Folder Link Live Link Date
1 JavaScript- 30 Basic Questions Click Here 08th January
2 DOM Assigment- Circle Click Here Live 21st January
3 DOM Assigment- Random Background Color Click Here Live 22nd January
4 DOM Assigment- Manipulating DOM Click Here 28th January

💻 Projects (Order- Newest First)

ReactJS Projects

No. Name Live Link Folder Link Date
1 TODO App Live Link Click Here 19th February
2 Rock Paper Scissor Live Link Click Here 19th February
3 The Meal DB Live Link Click Here 19th February
4 Pokémon App Working on it - 19th February
5 Movie App Working on it - 19th February

Vanila JavaScript Project

No. Project Name Project Live Link Project Folder Assignment Date
1 Weather App Live Link Click Here 11th February

Tailwind CSS Project

No. Project Name Project Live Link Project Folder Assignment Date
1 VS Code Clone Project Live Link Click Here 27th November
2 Credit Card Landing Page Live Link Click Here 10th & 11th December
3 Hosting Site Landing Page Live Link Click Here 10th & 11th December
4 Gaming Site Landing Page Live Link Click Here 10th & 11th December
5 Real Estate Landing Page Live Link Click Here 10th & 11th December
6 Beats Landing Page Live Link Click Here 10th & 11th December
7 Data Analytics Landing Page Live Link Click Here 10th & 11th December

HTML and CSS Projects

No. Project Name Project Live Link Project Folder Assignment Date
1 SEO Master Live Link Click Here 20th November
2 Crypto Market Live Link Click Here 20th November
3 Fashion Hub Live Link Click Here 20th November
4 Calm Live Link Click Here 26th November
5 Medifine Live Link Click Here 26th November
6 Justice Live Link Click Here 26th November