
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Project Description goes here

Table of Contents

  • Project Structure
  • Setting Up Development Environment
    • Installing GitHub
    • Installing Node.js
    • Installing Grunt
  • Github Useful Commands
    • Cloning Remote Repository
    • Commiting File
    • Pulling Commits From Remote
    • Merging Branch
    • Pushing To The Branch
    • Some useful Commands
    • Reference
  • Using Grunt
    • Generating Build with Grunt
    • Grunt Useful commands
    • GruntJS Explained
    • Use of Grunt in Project
    • Reference
  • Reference

Project Structure

Project Structure goes here

Setting Up Development Environment

Setting up development Environment requires :

Github - Github is used for collaborating codes and Version Controlling.

Node.js - Node.js is used as base dependency for preprocessing source code and building Build

Grunt - Grunt is JavaScript Task Runner which run over Node.js platform and preprocess, link, assemble sources. It builds Project Build

Installing Github

There are also a few ways to install Git on Windows. The most official build is available for download on the Git website. Easy way to get Git installed is by installing GitHub for Windows. The installer includes a command line version of Git as well as the GUI. It also works well with Powershell, and sets up solid credential caching and sane CRLF settings. You can download this from the GitHub for Windows website, at Github Windows