
Multi-Agent RL for dynamic pricing of food to save wastage while maximizing profit

Primary LanguagePython

Preventing food wastage with RL

Multi-Agent RL for dynamic pricing of food to save wastage while maximizing profit


I haven't tested the economic sanity of my model here. This is a hobby project and I take no responsibility for the catastrophe you might face on deploying this for actual use. However, I am trying to fix as many things as I can.


This is an experimental repository where I've written a multi-agent RL algorithm to prevent food wastage while maximizing profit. I wrote this during a hackathon (which I lost) and have made some minor fixes later (still in development stage). Hopefully, I will continue working on making this better with time. (for now, the task is so simple that even humans can do it)

Some specifications:

  • Multiple agents for multiple items (one for each).
  • Q-learning algorithm.
  • Making decisions by taking into account the economics of the market and food shelf life.
  • what decisions? they are changes made in price (percentage of increase/decrease from the base price).

waste_env.py is a custom environment made by extending openai gym sepcially written for this task.


Steps to follow:

  • Define the product specification in the config file (config/config.ini).
  • run python train.py -i <item name> for training a qlearning policy for an agent on item name.
  • run python test.py -i <item name> for testing the policy.
  • QTables are stored in the log folder.

Config file format:

[<item name>]
logs_dir = logs/item_1
C = 20
K = 2
P = 50
  • START_STATE_N is the number of item in inventory at the beginning.
  • START_STATE_L is the life of item in timsteps (can be days, weeks or hours) at the beginning.
  • C This constant determines how popular an item is.
  • K This constant determines how robust each item's demand is to the price (Basically the ratio of demand and price).
  • P Base price of the item.


  • logs folder contains the Q-table agent uses for each item
  • logs/<item name>/<episode number>.pkl is the serialized Q-table for <item name> at <episode number>
  • save frequency is an argument that can be changed... somewhere (train.py)


  • Algorithm used: Qlearning (can be anything, SARSA, TD-lambda etc etc). Because of the implementation of the problem as a multi agent RL, the task is fairly simple here.
  • Reward function: lambda1*profit - lambda2*waste where lambda1 and lambda2 are two constants such that lambda1+lambda2=1 (Basically linear interpolation). Maximizing this reward would mean maximizing profit while minimizing waste.
  • lambda1 > lambda2: focus more on maximizing profit.
  • lambda1 < lambda2: focus more on minimizing the waste.
  • lambda1 = lambda2: balanced.
  • Look at waste_env.py for more implementation details of the environment.


  • Instead of Multi-Agent RL, write a single RL algorithm to handle all items at once
  • Write a global environment DONE
  • Write DQN algorithm for the global environment: in progress
  • Write a proper document/blog/paper for explanation, motivation and reproducibility of this work
  • Read arguments from a config file. (this is a todo for a lot of my projects, I just never do it. a bad habit.)

Don't waste food. Some people really love it.


My team for the hackathon during which I made the first version of this project. Thanks to them: