
The code utilizes scikit-learn to build and evaluate a Decision Tree Classifier for car classification, demonstrating training and testing set accuracy, visualizing the decision tree, and analyzing model performance metrics.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Decision Tree

The code utilizes scikit-learn to build and evaluate a Decision Tree Classifier for car classification, demonstrating training and testing set accuracy, visualizing the decision tree, and analyzing model performance metrics.

Decision Tree:

  • A Decision Tree is a tree-like model of decisions and their possible consequences. In this case, it's used for classification.
  • The tree is built using the features specified in features and the target variable type.


  • Entropy is a measure of impurity in a set of data.
  • The tree is split at each node based on the feature that minimizes entropy.

This code appears to be an implementation of a Decision Tree classifier using the scikit-learn library in Python. Let's break down the code and provide explanations along with some theory and result analysis.

Code Description:

1. Importing Libraries: The necessary libraries are imported, including Pandas for data manipulation, Matplotlib and Seaborn for visualization, and scikit-learn for machine learning.

2. Loading Dataset: The code loads a dataset named cars_clus.csv using Pandas.

3. Dataset Information: Prints information about the dataset, including data types and non-null counts.

4. Viewing Dataset: Displays the first few rows of the dataset.

5. Feature Extraction: Extracts features (X) and the target variable (y) from the dataset.

6. Building and Visualizing Decision Tree: Builds a Decision Tree classifier with entropy as the criterion and a maximum depth of 12. Visualizes the decision tree.

7. Splitting Data into Train and Test Sets: Splits the data into training and testing sets.

8. Building and Visualizing Decision Tree on Training Set: Builds a Decision Tree classifier on the training set with a maximum depth of 5. Visualizes the decision tree.

9. Model Evaluation: Calculates the accuracy of the model on the training and testing sets.

10. Testing and Evaluation: Predicts the target variable on the test set and evaluates the model using accuracy, classification report, and confusion matrix.

11. Visualization: Visualizes the confusion matrix using Seaborn.

Overview of the Code:

1.Dataset Exploration:

  • The dataset contains information about various car models, including features such as horsepower, fuel capacity, price, and type.
  • Data types and basic statistics are explored using Pandas.

2.Feature Extraction:

  • Relevant features (horsepow, fuel_cap, price, etc.) are selected for model training.

3.Decision Tree Model Building:

  • A Decision Tree classifier is constructed with the criterion of entropy and a specified maximum depth.
  • The initial model is trained on the entire dataset, and a decision tree visualization is generated.

4.Train-Test Split:

  • The dataset is divided into training and testing sets to assess the model's generalization performance.

5.Model Training and Evaluation:

  • The Decision Tree model is retrained on the training set.
  • The accuracy is perfect on the training set, indicating potential overfitting.
  • The model is evaluated on the test set, achieving an accuracy of approximately 83.33%.

6.Model Evaluation Metrics:

  • Classification metrics such as precision, recall, and F1-score are computed and reported.
  • The confusion matrix provides a detailed breakdown of true positives, true negatives, false positives, and false negatives.

7.Visualization of Results:

  • A heatmap of the confusion matrix is created using Seaborn for better visualization of the model's performance.

Model Training and Evaluation:

  • The model is trained on the entire dataset and then on a train-test split.
  • The accuracy on the training set is perfect (1.0), but on the test set, it's 83.33%.

Confusion Matrix and Classification Report:

  • The confusion matrix and classification report provide a detailed breakdown of the model's performance on the test set.
  • The model performs well in predicting class 0, but struggles with precision and recall for class 1.


  • The decision tree is visualized to provide an intuitive understanding of how the model makes decisions.

Conclusion and Analysis:

1.Model Accuracy:

  • The model demonstrates good accuracy on the test set, suggesting it effectively captures patterns in the data.
  • However, the perfect accuracy on the training set raises concerns about potential overfitting.

2.Class-specific Performance:

  • The model performs well in predicting cars of type 0 but exhibits some challenges in predicting type 1.
  • Precision, recall, and F1-score for type 1 are lower, indicating that the model struggles with this class.

3.Overfitting Consideration:

  • The model achieves perfect accuracy on the training set, which may indicate overfitting, especially with a deep decision tree.
  • Fine-tuning the model complexity or using techniques like pruning could address overfitting.