
Puppet iptables module for linux firewall management.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Iptables module allows to manage iptables rules. It installs required iptables packages, generates a ruleset in iptables-save/restore format and applies them.

It gives great flexibility when used with hiera.

Class: iptables


  • onboot - whether to enable or disable iptables rules on boot. Valid values: true, false or manual. Default: true.

  • package - used to specify what version of the package should be used. Valid values: installed, absent or specific package version. Default: installed.

  • chains - a hash of hashes. Each hash represents a single custom iptables chain. Default and valid hash parameters and values.

    • table - table name. Default: filter.
    • chain - custom chain name. Default: nil. If you do not specify a chain parameter then the custom chain will not be created.
  • rules - a hash of hashes. Each hash represents a single iptables rule. nil parameter value means that this parameter will be excluded from a generated rule. Default and valid hash parameters and values.

    • table - table name. Default: filter.
    • chain - chain name. Default: INPUT.
    • in_int - incoming traffic interface. Default: nil.
    • out_int - outgoing traffic interface. Default: nil.
    • src - source host or list of hosts. Default: nil.
    • dst - destination host or list of hosts. Default: nil.
    • proto - layer4 protocol. Default: nil.
    • sport - source port. Default: nil.
    • dport - destination port. Default: nil.
    • match - match module. Default nil.
    • match_param - match parameters. Default: nil.
    • action: target to jump to. Default: ACCEPT.
  • filter_input_policy - filter table INPUT chain default policy. Default: ACCEPT.

  • filter_output_policy - filter table OUTPUT chain default policy. Default: ACCEPT.

  • filter_forward_policy - filter table FORWARD chain default policy. Default: ACCEPT.

  • nat_prerouting_policy - nat table PREROUTING chain default policy. Default: ACCEPT.

  • nat_input_policy- nat table INPUT chain default policy. Default: ACCEPT.

  • nat_output_policy - nat table OUTPUT chain default policy. Default: ACCEPT.

  • nat_postrouting_policy - nat table POSTROUTNG chain default policy. Default: ACCEPT.

  • mangle_prerouting_policy - mangle table PREROUTING chain default policy. Default: ACCEPT.

  • mangle_output_policy - mangle table OUTPUT chain default policy. Default: ACCEPT.

  • mangle_forward_policy - mangle table FORWARD chain default policy. Default: ACCEPT.

  • mangle_input_policy - mangle table INPUT chain default policy. Default: ACCEPT.

  • mangle_postrouting_policy - mangle table POSTROUTING chain defaut policy. Default: ACCEPT.


  - 'iptables'

iptables::filter_input_policy: DROP

    chain: OURHOSTS

    chain: OURHOSTS
    src: ','
    match: conntrack
    match_param: '--ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED'
    in_int: lo
    proto: tcp
    dport: 22
    action: OURHOSTS
    action: DROP

# NAT example - iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
    table: nat
    chain: POSTROUTING
    out_int: eth0
    action: MASQUERADE


  • Cannot correct a ruleset if someone manually inserts/removes rules via command line.
  • No IPv6 support, but should be fairly easy to extend the module to support it.
  • No easy way to use multiple match module within a single rule.
