
Primary LanguageJavaScript



Pokemon App using vanilla JS, DOM manipulation and fetching from PokeAPI(link to be included).


This app has four states:

Landing Page: Initial app screen, containing categories and filters.

Category Page: Displays a list of card components with the items of the selected category.

Details Page: More info about the selected item.


  • Levels
  • Music
  • Intro & Storyline
  • Animations
  • Items (Invincibility & Others)
  • Different difficulties

Data structure

  • main.js: only methods-> createSplash(), createGame(), createGameOver(), buildDOM()
  • Player.js: this.x, this.y(fixed), this.width, this.height, this.color, this.direction, this.speed. this.draw(), this.move(), this.checkBorders(), this.updateLives()
  • Enemy.js: this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height, this.color, this.direction, this.speed. this.draw(), this.move(), this.eliminateEnemy()
  • Powerup.js: this.x, this.y, this.height, this.color, this.direction, this.speed, this.draw(), this.move(), this.eliminatePowerup()

States y States Transitions

Definition of the different states and their transition (transition functions)

  • Landing Page
  • Caregory Page
  • Details Page
  • Loading Screen


Task definition in order of priority

(to be modified)

  • create files (index.html, style.css, main.js, Game.js, Player.js, Enemy.js.
  • wireframe and game states (start->game->win/gameover->start)
  • create canvas
  • create loop
  • display Player on canvas
  • code movement of player, limited to widht of the canvas
  • generate an enemy
  • generate Item
  • generate multiple and random enemies
  • make enemies randomized colors
  • code collisions between Player and Enemy
  • substract life from player if collision happens
  • code collisions between Player and Item
  • do something about the item(initally food, add +1 life)


(to be modified)


Link url


URls for the project repo and deploy Link Repo Link Deploy


URls for the project presentation (slides) Link Slides.com