docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose run php composer install
- You will be able to launch it in http://localhost:8001 from your browser or Rest API client(like POSTMAN)
- Used Symfony 4 as provided
- Followed Domain driven development (DDD)
- Controllers will be found in src/Controller directory
- Domain files will be found in src/Domain directory
- Service files will be found in src/Service directory
- Model files will be found in src/Model directory
- Event Listener files will be found in src/EventListener directory
- Unit tests are written for Models, Domain, Service and EventListeners
- Functional test is written for Controllers
- Achieved Code coverage of 100% wherever applicable
docker-compose run php composer test
For testingdocker-compose run php composer test-coverage
For test coverage-
"test-coverage": "php /www/vendor/bin/phpunit -d memory_limit=512M --colors=always --coverage-html reports/phpunit/html --coverage-clover reports/phpunit/clover.xml --log-junit reports/phpunit/junit.xml"``` These are the underlying scripts. For easiness, shorted those in composer scripts part.
- Followed PSR2 standard here.
- As asked in the, I've added my answer in
- http://localhost:8001/job/1
- http://localhost:8001/job/location/Berlin/Salary
- http://localhost:8001/job/location/IE/Seniority%20level
- http://localhost:8001/job/match/PHP,LAMP,MySQL,PHPUnit,OOP/middle
- Hope that my code suits the need of the challenge. Please provide feedback to me If I need to improve in certain places. Hope to talk to you soon.