
This is a sql file which includes all the queries used to setup the universe database for the relational database tutorial

Celestial Bodies Database Setup

This repository contains SQL queries to set up a relational database for managing celestial bodies, as part of the third unit of the FreeCodeCamp tutorial on relational databases.


  • universe.sql: SQL script file containing all the queries to create the database schema and populate it with initial data.

Setup Instructions

Follow these steps to set up the Celestial Bodies Database:

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone <repository_url>
    cd <repository_name>
  2. Database Setup:

    • Ensure PostgreSQL is installed on your system.

    • Create a new database named universe in your PostgreSQL server.

      CREATE DATABASE universe;
    • Navigate to the repository directory containing universe.sql.

    • Load the SQL script into your PostgreSQL database universe.

      psql -U <your_username> -d universe -f universe.sql
  3. Verify Database Setup:

    • Connect to your PostgreSQL server and verify that the universe database has been created with the necessary tables (galaxy, star, planet, moon, asteroid, etc.).
  4. Explore the Database:

    • Use SQL queries to explore and interact with the data:
      -- Example: Select all galaxies
      SELECT * FROM galaxy;

Schema Overview

The database schema includes tables for different celestial bodies:

  • galaxy: Stores information about galaxies.
  • star: Contains data on stars, including their properties and associated galaxy.
  • planet: Holds details about planets, such as size, atmosphere, and their parent star.
  • moon: Stores information about moons orbiting planets.
  • asteroid: Includes details about asteroids and their parent planet.

Each table is designed to maintain relational integrity and provide structured data management for celestial bodies.


Contributions to improve the database schema, SQL queries, or README instructions are welcome. Please fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.

Adjust the placeholders <repository_url>, <repository_name>, and <your_username> to fit your actual repository details and PostgreSQL setup. This README provides clear instructions on how to set up and use the database, and invites contributions to improve the project.