
Full stack application Implements some features like Login is effective for 5 minutes only and time calculations of visiting the website by user

Primary LanguageJavaScript

  1. On the login page, a login form and ask for Name, Email, and Mobile Number. After successful submission, log in. Save that provided info into a database along with the time of login.

  2. Login should be effective for the next 5 minutes. In that period if the user tries to log in redirect to the home page. After 5 minutes user should be forced to log in. Provide a logout button at the home page.

  3. On the home page, display welcome with the user name and provide a text box and submit button. The user can write any message in that text box and hit the submit button. The submit button will save their message. Users may leave as many messages as they want.

  4. At the bottom of the home page, display all the previous login timestamp for that user, their session duration, and their messages in a table form.

  5. If a user logs in with the name "admin", email "admin@admin.com" and mobile "0000000000" then after login, show a table containing data for all the previous logins with columns Name, Email, Mobile_Number, and Messages.