
Maps relevant courses in UW-Madison to specific skills required for a given career. https://vdflask.herokuapp.com/

Primary LanguagePython

UW Course Career Mapper

A Python driven web application that maps relevant courses in UW-Madison to specific skills required for a given career. https://vdflask.herokuapp.com/


This app accepts a career choice from the user to select specific courses in UW-Madison based on skills required for that job role. Given a career choice, the program looks up a list of relevant skills and then uses this information to search through UW-Madison courses to generate a list that would be helpful for students. This is something students can use to explore various options before they speak to a course advisor.

Getting Started

This is a Flask application that runs on the Heroku platform.

  • In the root directory, wsgi.py, runtime.txt, requirements.txt, nltk.txt, Procfile are all the files required for the deployment of this Flask app.
  • Within the app directory, main.py is the Flask runner application
    • all the front-end files(HTML, CSS and JS files) accessed by main.py are stored within the folder named static. The main html files are stored under the templates directory.
    • all files generated during the course of execution of the program are stored in the career_files folder and the templates folder
    • this flask app runs course_gen.py that runs the main part of the program like searching courses and generating an html file for output.
  • course_gen.py contains the main search algorithm for displaying the courses(root directory)
    • course_gen.py utilizes data from all_data.csv, majors_links.csv, files under all_text_files and allhtmlcode.txt(root directory)

Running the Code

To run this application from your local machine, navigate to the root directory and run this from the command line

python wsgi.py

Copy and paste the link displayed onto your browser. The Course Career Mapper is up and running!


Simply enter your career choice and hit enter!