CS50-X Projects

Repository for all codes and projects done for CS50 MOOC.

  1. Person identifier based on DNA sequences: This code (DNA.py) uses STR analysis to identify a person based on the DNA sequences stored in a CSV file.

  2. Redability Estimator: This code(Readability.py) is used to compute the approximate grade level needed to comprehend some text according to Coleman-Liau formula.

  3. Image filter: This code(helpers.c) implements various kinds of filters(grayscale, sepia, blur etc.) on images in C language.

  4. Election conducting algorithm: Election conducting algorithms (plurality.c and runoff.c) for conducting different types of elections, e.g. Plurality type, runoff type etc.

5.Other codes:

5.1 cash.py: This python code implements a program that prompts the user for the number of cents that a customer is owed and then prints the smallest number of coins with which that change can be made.

5.2 caesar.c: An algorithm that encrypts messages by 'rotating' each letter in a message by 'k' positions that is given as input by the user.

5.3 recover.c: A program that recovers JPEGS from a forensic image.

5.4 Speller: Contains two files - dictionary.c and dictionary.h that spell checks a file using hash table.