
WebScraper for Covid-19

Primary LanguageGo


run it all together! with Docker

docker-compose build && docker-compose up -d

Opening shell of mongo db running within our docker container

docker exec -it mongo mongo -u " --- (MONGO_ADMIN) --- " -p " --- (MONGO_ADMIN_PSWD) --- " --authenticationDatabase admin

Changing to (creating) a needed db

use --- (MONGO_DB_NAME) ---

Creating a super user

db.createUser({user: ' --- (MONGO_DB_USER) --- ', pwd: '---- (MONGO_DB_PSWD) ----', roles:[{role:'dbOwner', db:'--- (MONGO_DB_NAME) ---'}]})

Inserting test data to test collection

db.test_collection.insert({ test: "test" })

Displaying all collections of our previously created db in order to make sure that our test collection was successfully created

show collections

Saying goodbye to mongo shell


stop the corona Api container

docker stop <api_contrainer_id>

rerun the corona Api container

docker-compose build && docker-compose up -d