
Webpack plugin to generate a sitemap.

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Webpack plugin to generate a sitemap. Designed to work with static-site-generator-webpack-plugin (although it also works great by itself).


npm install sitemap-webpack-plugin --save-dev

For webpack 4, use version 0.6 or greater. For webpack <= 3, use version 0.5.x.


Add to your webpack config -- see below for examples. The plugin signature is:

new SitemapPlugin(base, paths, options)
  • base is the root URL of your site (e.g. 'https://mysite.com')
  • paths is the array of locations on your site -- this can be the same one you pass to static-site-generator-webpack-plugin. If you want to customize each path in the sitemap, you can also pass an array of objects; objects must have a path attribute and may have a lastMod, priority, and/or changeFreq attribute. (However, an array of objects will not be directly compatible with static-site-generator-webpack-plugin.)
  • options is an optional object of configurable options -- see below


  • fileName (string) -- default sitemap.xml -- name of the output file
  • lastMod (boolean) -- default false -- whether to include the current date as the <lastmod>. Can be overridden by path-specific lastMod.
  • priority (number) -- default null -- a <priority> to be set globally on all locations. Can be overridden by path-specific priority.
  • changeFreq (string) -- default null -- a <changefreq> to be set globally on all locations; list of applicable values based on sitemaps.org: always, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, never. Can be overridden by path-specific changeFreq.
  • skipGzip (boolean) -- default false -- whether to skip generating a gzipped .xml.gz sitemap. (By default, both an uncompressed and a compressed sitemap are generated -- the compressed version is generated at sitemap.xml.gz, or [fileName].gz if the fileName configuration option is set.)
  • formatter (function) -- default null -- an optional function to format the generated sitemap before it is emitted (for example, if you'd like to pretty-print the XML). The provided function must accept one argument (the unformatted XML) and return the formatted XML as a string. For an example of pretty-printing configuration, see the formatted test.


import SitemapPlugin from 'sitemap-webpack-plugin';

// If you are not using babel, note that the plugin is exported on default so you will need e.g. 
const SitemapPlugin = require('sitemap-webpack-plugin').default;

/* basic paths -- directly compatible with static-site-generator-webpack-plugin */
const paths = [

/* object paths -- more fine-grained but not directly compatible with static-site-generator-webpack-plugin */
/* object paths must have a `path` attribute -- others are optional, and fall back to global config (if any) */
const paths = [
    path: '/foo/',
    lastMod: '2015-01-04',
    priority: '0.8',
    changeFreq: 'monthly'

/* you can also convert object paths back into static-site-generator-webpack-plugin compatible paths */
const staticSiteGeneratorCompatiblePaths = paths.map(({path}) => path);

export default {

  /* snip */

  /* basic (output defaults to sitemap.xml) */
  plugins: [
    new SitemapPlugin('https://mysite.com', paths)

  /* with custom output filename */
  plugins: [
    new SitemapPlugin('https://mysite.com', paths, {
      fileName: 'map.xml'

  /* skip generating a gzipped version of the sitemap */
  plugins: [
    new SitemapPlugin('https://mysite.com', paths, {
      skipGzip: true

  /* with global options */
  plugins: [
    new SitemapPlugin('https://mysite.com', paths, {
      fileName: 'map.xml',
      lastMod: true,
      changeFreq: 'monthly',
      priority: '0.4'



  1. Fork it (https://github.com/schneidmaster/sitemap-webpack-plugin/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request