S3 File Browser


  • Production: App is deployed at: https://main--statuesque-selkie-bb655a.netlify.app/ using Netlify.
  • Styling: "No CSS Frameworks and No Component libs", so decided to use plain-old SAAS for styling.
  • API: Using @aws-sdk/client-s3 as suggested. AWS credentials are stored in local storage. Since it's a client-only app without login I decided no to worry about security and storing the credentials in local storage in plain text.
  • State: Decided to use Redux(+Toolkit) for state management. Here is a quick breakdown of the store:
    • files - contains the list of files and folders. Folders always end with /
    • workingDir - contains the current path.
    • expandedDirs - list of manually expanded directories. All folders form the workingDir are also treated as expanded, so that it is always visible in the tree-view.
    • loadingDirs - list of directories that are currently being loaded.
    • auto-load-middleware - middleware that automatically refreshes the contents of a directory. Triggered when workingDir changes or a directory is expanded to load its contents. It will also handle files that have been deleted.
  • Empty Directories: To be able to create and persist empty directories - a new file with a special name is created to "reserve" the name of the directory. This file is hidden in the UI. There is basic validation when creating new files/dirs, so that it doesn't conflict with the special file names.
  • Bonus Features
    • Lazy Loading: I assumed that the bucket can have many files or deep structure. This is why I decided not to load all objects at once, but only those that are needed. The AWS API for loading objects has a neat Prefix and Delimiter parameters that made that possible.
    • Keyboard Navigation: Spend some time to implement keyboard navigation (using up/down to navigate and left/right to expand/collapse). I thought it would be a nice addition to app.
    • Dev-menu with some commands to ease up testing - just for fun :).
  • Skipped Features: Things I didn't do because I didn't find an elegant way to implement ¯_(ツ)_/¯:
    • A directory containing subdirectories should be marked so the user can understand that it can be expanded.

      • Currently, when expanding a directory, all of its child directories can also be expanded (even if they are empty). The reason for that is that I don't know if they have sub-directories and I cannot get that information with the same API call, that I use to initially load the parent directory. I decided it is an overkill to load all sub-directories just to check if they have children.
    • The web app should be able to detect changes to the bucket and react appropriately by removing non-existent or displaying new directories or files.

      • Looking trough the S3 Client API I couldn't find a way to subscribe to changes in the bucket. I didn't want to do polling strategy and I decided that the automatic reload when changing workingDir or expandedDirs should be sufficient.
  • Cutting corners: Things I didn't do because of time constraints:
    • Error handling: I didn't have time to add proper error handling - most notably, when the AWS API calls fail.
    • Tests: I didn't have time to do a full test coverage. I just added tests for the most important selectors, auto-load-middleware and some utils and hooks.