
Master degree's project: Analysis and behaviour on Twitter (data mining)

Primary LanguagePython

TweetLearn est une application permettant de classifier des tweets selon leur sentiment général (positif, négatif, neutre)
TweetLearn se base sur Django et utilise Tweepy pour l'API Twitter

How to install it ?
	- Install/create a virtualenv: ("pip install virtualenv" if not installed)
		-> create your virtualenv: "virtualenv venv" 
		-> access this virtualenv: "source venv/bin/activate"
	- Install all the dependencies required:
		-> pip install requirements.txt

How to launch it ?
	-> "python manage.py runserver" in the tweetlearn folder
	Your application is running at port 8080

	- Don't forget to fill the parameters in the tweetlearn/cfg/config.ini file