
A minimalist yet advanced poll system

Primary LanguageC#The UnlicenseUnlicense

Build & Test Docker Build


  • Telegram authentication for voting
    • You can create a poll without authenticating yourself
    • You can see polls without authenticating yourself, but you won't be able to vote
  • Sorting options (name/votes)
  • Poll shareable via id (random hash)
  • Customization on creation page
    • Single/multi-vote
    • Show/hide voters
    • Poll duration
    • Allow/disallow users to add new options

How to host

  • Install docker (this application uses a Linux container)
  • Follow the telegram authentication setup
  • Setup an .env file following the dev.env example
  • Run docker-compose up -d
  • Alternatively, you can host or use an existing PostgreSQL 12.2 server and run the .NET Core API