
Support for reading and writing NBT-encoded data via Jackson abstractions.

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Jackson (Java) data format module that supports reading and writing NBT ("Named Binary Tag") encoded data. Module extends standard Jackson streaming API (JsonFactory, JsonParser, JsonGenerator), and as such works seamlessly with all the higher level data abstractions (data binding, tree model, and pluggable extensions).


To use this extension on Maven-based projects, use following dependency:


and for Gradle-based projects:



Basic usage is by using NbtFactory in places where you would usually use JsonFactory

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(new NbtFactory())
        .registerModule(new SimpleModule().addAbstractTypeMapping(Map.class, DeepEqualsLinkedHashMap.class))
// and then read/write data as usual
SomeType value = ...;
byte[] nbtData = mapper.writeValueAsBytes(value);
SomeType otherValue = mapper.readValue(nbtData, SomeType.class);

Implementation allows use of any of 3 main operating modes:

  • Streaming API (NbtParser and NbtGenerator)
  • Databinding (via ObjectMapper / ObjectReader / ObjectWriter)
  • Tree Model (using TreeNode, or its concrete subtype, JsonNode -- not JSON-specific despite the name)

and all the usual data-binding use cases exactly like when using JSON or Smile (2 canonical 100% supported Jackson data formats).