
Adds a context menu to the message list. Switch to the Tags view below to ensure you have the right version for your version of Roundcube.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Roundcube Webmail ContextMenu
This plugin adds a context menu to the message list. Menu links are:
mark as read
mark as unread
mark as flagged
mark as unflagged
reply to all
show source
open in new window
move to

This plugin also adds a context menu to the folder list. Menu links are:
mark all as read
collapse all folders
expand all folders
open in new window

This plugin also adds a context menu to the contacts list in the address book.
Menu links are:
compose message to
edit contact
delete contact
remove contact from group
copy contact to another address book

This plugin also adds a context menu to the groups list in the address book.
Menu links are:
create new group
rename group
delete group

This plugin is released under the GNU General Public License Version 3+

Even if skins might contain some programming work, they are not considered
as a linked part of the plugin and therefore skins DO NOT fall under the
provisions of the GPL license. See the README file located in the core skins
folder for details on the skin license.

* Place this plugin folder into plugins directory of Roundcube
* Add contextmenu to $rcmail_config['plugins'] in your Roundcube config
NB: When downloading the plugin from GitHub you will need to create a directory
called contextmenu and place the files in there, ignoring the root directory in
the downloaded archive.

Adding other items to the menu
The command rcm_contextmenu_register_command allows other plugins to add items
to the context menu.

IMPORTANT: The context menu plugin must be initialised before any other plugin
which adds an item to the menu.

rcm_contextmenu_register_command(command, callback, label [, pos [, sep
                                 [, multi [, addsub [, obj [, class ]]]]]])
 command:   the name of the command eg: spam
 callback:  the name of the function which should be called when the menu item
            is clicked
 label:     the name of the label to use in the menu
 (optional) pos: class name of a existing item in the menu which the new item
            should be inserted before, if no pos is specified the item is added
            to the end
 (optional) sep: [before|after] put a separating line before or after this item
 (optional) multi: [true|false] should the item be enabled when multiple
            messages are selected
 (optional) addsub: [true|false] add the new item to a sub menu
 (optional) obj: the menu object to which the item should be added
 (optional) class: the classes to add to the li in the contextmenu, if none are
            specified then the command is used as the class name