This repository is a demo of a plugin built on Metaflow to support Kubernetes as a compute abstraction for running machine learning workflows.
Works with Kubernetes Cluster and Minikube. Works with local and Service based Metadata Provider.
To run the metaflow run command within container follow the instructions given in Using Metaflow with Kubernetes Cluster
The plugin supports running metaflow within container or on local machine to orchestrate workflow on Kubernetes.
As Metaflow is currently coupled with AWS, S3 is required as a Datastore. In Future more datastores will be supported. is a demo workflow which showcases how metaflow can be used with Kubernetes to parallely train multiple models with different hyperparameters and finally easily gather collated results.
The flow looks like the following :
Using Metaflow with Kubernetes Cluster
Information on Cluster and Metaflow related services setup on Kubernetes is available here.
Setting Up Environment and Running Demo
Install Minikube or use commands in to setup a CLUSTER on AWS. For more documentation on kops with AWS check here.
Plugin Requires AWS KEYS to be set in environment variables.
Add the S3 Bucket location in to METAFLOW_DATASTORE_SYSROOT_S3 environment variable.
Run sh to use Minikube and run the flow with plugin repo on Kubernetes.
If you are not using Minikube, a Kube config is required.
Using The Plugin
Usage is very similar to @batch decorator.
on top of any @step add the @kube decorator or use --with kube:cpu=2,memory=4000,image=python:3.7 in the CLI args.
To directly deploy the entire runtime into Kubernetes as a job, using the kube-deploy run command:
python --with kube:cpu=3.2,memory=4000,image=tensorflow/tensorflow:latest-py3 kube-deploy run --num_training_examples 1000 --dont-exit
--dont-exit will follow log trail from the job. Otherwise the workflow will be deployed as a job on Kubernetes which will destroy itself once it ends.
Directly deploy to kubernetes only works with Service based Metaprovider
Good practice before directly moving to kube-deploy would be:
Local tests : python run --num_training_examples 1000 : With or without Conda.
Dry run with python --with kube:cpu=3.2,memory=4000,image=tensorflow/tensorflow:latest-py3 run --num_training_examples 1000
On successful dry run : python --with kube:cpu=3.2,memory=4000,image=tensorflow/tensorflow:latest-py3 kube-deploy run --num_training_examples 50000 : Run Larger Dataset.
Running with Conda
To run with Conda it will need 'python-kubernetes':'10.0.1' in the libraries argument to @conda_base step decorator
Use image=python:3.6 when running with Conda in --with kube:. Ideally that should be the python version used/mentioned in conda.
Direct deploy to kubernetes with Conda environment is supported
python --with kube:cpu=3.2,memory=4000,image=python:3.6 --environment=conda kube-deploy run --num_training_examples 1000 --dont-exit
Ensure to use image=python:<conda_python_version>
Running on GPU Clusters.
Instructions for GPU Based setup for Metaflow on Kubernetes can be found here
Before running notebook use %set_env in notebook to set env vars for AWS Keys.
Current Constraints
Supports S3 based Datastore. Wont work without S3 as datastore.
Current Has Been Tested with GPU's. Current Deployment Automation scripts Supports Cuda v9.1.
Needs METAFLOW_KUBE_CONFIG_PATH and METAFLOW_KUBE_NAMESPACE env vars for kubernetes config file and Namespace . Takes ~/.kube/config and default as defaults
Requires AWS Secrets in ENV Vars for Deploying PODS. That Needs fixing.
Supports Conda Decorators. Current uses tensorflow/tensorflow image.
To use conda Add the following :
@conda_base(python=get_python_version(),libraries={'numpy':'1.18.1','tensorflow':'1.4.0','python-kubernetes':'10.0.1'}) above the class definition to make it work with conda.
TO run with conda change the line in to following :
.env/bin/python --environment=conda --with kube:cpu=2,memory=4000,image=python:3.7 run --num_training_examples 2500
Please also ensure that Conda is in the PATH env variable.