
Find the best deal for a French starred restaurant

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Eat well and cheaper than usually

Table of Contents generated with DocToc


Each year, Michelin publish the Michelin Red Guide which awards Michelin stars to some restaurants.

The criteria for the stars are:

  1. Michelin star "A very good restaurant in its category" (Une très bonne table dans sa catégorie)
  2. Michelin stars: "Excellent cooking, worth a detour" (Table excellente, mérite un détour)
  3. Michelin stars: "Exceptional cuisine, worth a special journey" (Une des meilleures tables, vaut le voyage)

Ther average price for a starred restaurant could start from 50€ up to more than 400€.

Thanks the LaFourchette, you can book a restaurant at the best price and get exclusive offers and discount up to 50%.



Objective - Workshop in 1 sentence

Get the current deal for a French Michelin starred restaurants.

How to do that?

By creating a link between restaurant.michelin.fr, lafourchette.com and the end-user.


Node.js + React + Material Design (mdl, bootstrap, foundation...) + ES6 [+ docker + redis ...]

Just tell me what to do

  1. Fork the project via github
  2. Clone your forked repository project https://github.com/YOUR_USERNAME/top-chef
cd /path/to/workspace
❯ git clone git@github.com:YOUR_USERNAME/top-chef.git
  1. Follow the steps
  2. commit your different modifications:
cd /path/to/workspace/top-chef
❯ git add -A && git commit -m "feat(restaurants): fetch list of starred restautants"

(why following a commit message convention?)

  1. Don't forget to push before the end of the workshop and before the end of the 2 dedicated sessions
❯ git push origin master

Note: if you catch an error about authentication, add your ssh to your github profile.

  1. If you need some helps on git commands, read git - the simple guide

Examples of steps to do


Michelin Restaurant

  1. How it works https://restaurant.michelin.fr
  2. What are the given properties for a starred restaurant: name, adress, town, stars, chef... ?
  3. ...

Some things to do:

  1. Browse the website
  2. define the JSON schema for a restaurant
  3. ...

Example of Restaurant: https://restaurant.michelin.fr/2abl39j/le-chiberta-paris-08

Deals from LaFourchette

  1. How it works https://www.lafourchette.com
  2. What are the properties that we need to provide to lafourchette.com to get a deal ?
  3. How to identify a deal on the page ?
  4. ...

Some things to do:

  1. Browse the website
  2. Check how that you can get the deal: api etc.... (check network activity)
  3. define the properties required to get a deal
  4. define the JSON schema for a deal
  5. ...

Example of a deal: https://www.lafourchette.com/restaurant/le-chiberta-stephane-laruelle-guy-savoy/2828

The web application

Some things to do:

  1. How to create a link between the starred restaurant and lafourchette?

Server-side with Node.js


Create a module called michelin that return the list of restaurant

const michelin = require('michelin');


Some things to do:

  1. scrape list of French starred restaurants
  2. store the list into JSON file, nosql database (like redis, mongodb...)
  3. create a node module that return the list


Create a module called lafourchette that return the available deal for a given restaurant

const lafourchette = require('lafourchette');
const restaurant = {...};


Some things to do:

  1. create the calls (api, http) to get the restaurant page
  2. get the deal (by scraping or decoding api response)
  3. return the deal

Client-side with React

MVP to do:

  1. List French starred restaurant and their current deals

Next features:

  1. Add filters:
  • filtering by name
  • sorting by stars
  1. Bonus: Display on a map only the starred restaurants with an active deal

Notification (bonus)

Some things to do:

  1. Notify me (discord or slack) a new deal for any starred restaurant
  2. Monitor and notify a new deal for a given restaurant

Don't forget

Focus on codebase and UX/UI

