First of all, English is not my mother tongue, so sorry in advance for any mistakes.
With this library you can open and read the contents of used dbc files used by the trinitycore server. Each file is represented by a specific class.
DbcDirectory.Initialize("<path to dbc directory>");
List<Achievement> records = DbcDirectory.Open<Achievement>();
DbcDirectory.Initialize("<path to dbc directory>", Enums.DbcLocale.frFR);
List<Achievement> records = DbcDirectory.Open<Achievement>();
- Achievement
- AchievementCategory
- AchievementCriteria
- AnimationData
- AreaGroup
- AreaPOI
- AreaTable
- AreaTrigger
- AttackAnimKits
- AttackAnimTypes
- AuctionHouse
- BankBagSlotPrices
- BannedAddOns
- BarberShopStyle
- BattlemasterList
- CameraShakes
- CfgCategories
- CfgConfigs
- CharacterFacialHairStyles
- CharBaseInfo
- CharHairGeosets
- CharHairTextures
- CharSections
- CharStartOutfit
- CharTitles
- CharVariations
⚠️ available but not tested - ChatChannels
- ChatProfanity
- ChrClasses
- ChrRaces
- CinematicCamera
- CinematicSequences
- CreatureDisplayInfo
- CreatureDisplayInfoExtra
- CreatureFamily
- CreatureModelData
- CreatureMovementInfo
- CreatureSoundData
- CreatureSpellData
- CreatureType
- CurrencyCategory
- CurrencyTypes
- DanceMoves
- DeathThudLookups
- DeclinedWord
- DeclinedWordCases
- DestructibleModelData
- DungeonEncounter
- DungeonMap
- DungeonMapChunk
- DurabilityCosts
- DurabilityQuality
- Emotes
- EmotesText
- EmotesTextData
- EmotesTextSound
- EnvironmentalDamage
- Exhaustion
- Faction
- FactionGroup
- FactionTemplate
- FileData
- FootprintTextures
- FootstepTerrainLookup
- GameObjectArtKit
- GameObjectDisplayInfo
- GameTables
- GameTips
- GemProperties
- GlyphProperties
- GlyphSlot
- GMSurveyAnswers
- GMSurveyCurrentSurvey
- GMSurveyQuestions
- GMSurveySurveys
- GMTicketCategory
- GroundEffectDoodad
- GroundEffectTexture
- GtBarberShopCostBase
- GtChanceToMeleeCrit
- GtChanceToMeleeCritBase
- GtChanceToSpellCrit
- GtChanceToSpellCritBase
- GtCombatRatings
- GtNPCManaCostScaler
- GtOCTClassCombatRatingScalar
- GtOCTRegenHP
- GtOCTRegenMP
- GtRegenHPPerSpt
- GtRegenMPPerSpt
- HelmetGeosetVisData
- HolidayDescriptions
- HolidayNames
- Holidays
- Item
- ItemBagFamily
- ItemClass
- ItemCondExtCosts
- ItemDisplayInfo
- ItemExtendedCost
- ItemGroupSounds
- ItemLimitCategory
- ItemPetFood
- ItemPurchaseGroup
- ItemRandomProperties
- ItemRandomSuffix
- ItemSet
- ItemSubClass
- ItemSubClassMask
- ItemVisualEffects
- ItemVisuals
- Languages
- LanguageWords
- LFGDungeonExpansion
- LFGDungeonGroup
- LFGDungeons
- Light
- LightFloatBand
- LightIntBand
- LightParams
- LightSkybox
- LiquidMaterial
- LiquidType
- LoadingScreens
- LoadingScreenTaxiSplines
- Lock
- LockType
- MailTemplate
- Map
- MapDifficulty
- Material
- Movie
- MovieFileData
- MovieVariation
- NameGen
- NamesProfanity
- NamesReserved
- NPCSounds
- ObjectEffect
- ObjectEffectGroup
- ObjectEffectModifier
- ObjectEffectPackage
- ObjectEffectPackageElem
- OverrideSpellData
- Package
- PageTextMaterial
- PaperDollItemFrame
- ParticleColor
- PetitionType
- PetPersonality
- PowerDisplay
- PvpDifficulty
- QuestFactionReward
- QuestInfo
- QuestSort
- QuestXP
- RandPropPoints
- Resistances
- ScalingStatDistribution
- ScalingStatValues
- ScreenEffect
- ServerMessages
- SheatheSoundLookups
- SkillCostsData
- SkillLine
- SkillLineAbility
- SkillLineCategory
- SkillRaceClassInfo
- SkillTiers
- SoundAmbience
- SoundEmitters
- SoundEntries
- SoundEntriesAdvanced
- SoundFilter
- SoundFilterElem
- SoundProviderPreferences
- SoundSamplePreferences
- SoundWaterType
- SpamMessages
- Spell
- SpellCastTimes
- SpellCategory
- SpellChainEffects
- SpellDescriptionVariables
- SpellDifficulty
- SpellDispelType
- SpellDuration
- SpellEffectCameraShakes
- SpellFocusObject
- SpellIcon
- SpellItemEnchantment
- SpellItemEnchantmentCondition
- SpellMechanic
- SpellMissile
- SpellMissileMotion
- SpellRadius
- SpellRange
- SpellRuneCost
- SpellShapeshiftForm
- SpellVisual
- SpellVisualEffectName
- SpellVisualKit
- SpellVisualKitAreaModel
- SpellVisualKitModelAttach
- SpellVisualPrecastTransitions
- StableSlotPrices
- StartupStrings
- Stationery
- StringLookups
- SummonProperties
- Talent
- TalentTab
- TaxiNodes
- TaxiPath
- TaxiPathNode
- TeamContributionPoints
- TerrainType
- TerrainTypeSounds
- TotemCategory
- TransportAnimation
- TransportPhysics
- TransportRotation
- UISoundLookups
- UnitBlood
- UnitBloodLevels
- Vehicle
- VehicleSeat
- VehicleUIIndicator
- VehicleUIIndSeat
- VideoHardware
- VocalUISounds
- WeaponImpactSounds
- WeaponSwingSounds2
- Weather
- WMOAreaTable
- WorldChunkSounds
- WorldMapArea
- WorldMapContinent
- WorldMapOverlay
- WorldMapTransforms
- WorldSafeLocs
- WorldStateUI
- WorldStateZoneSounds
- WowErrorStrings
- ZoneIntroMusicTable
- ZoneMusic