An example on how to connect to weblogic BEA with camel Jms component on Jboss Fuse.
The main issue to overcome in order to have a jms BEA connector deployed in Jboss fuse is about OSGi compliance of Weblogic JMS driver, basically what has been described in:
The solution is based on:
- Force the weblogic driver to use the correct classloader by using the com.github.valdar.jndi.JndiFactoryFactory class to instantiate the Weblogic Jms connection factory:
<bean id="factory" class="com.github.valdar.jndi.JndiFactoryFactory"/>
<bean id="webLogicJmsConnectionFactory" factory-ref="factory" factory-method="createJndiObjectFactory" init-method="afterPropertiesSet">
<property name="jndiTemplate" ref="jndiWebLogicTemplate"/>
<property name="jndiName" value="WWPConnectionFactory"/>
<property name="proxyInterface" value="javax.jms.ConnectionFactory"/>
- Be sure that weblogic wrapped bundle doesn't export javax.* package by:
osgi:install wrap:file://<projecthome>/wlthint3client.jar,file://wlthint3client.bnd/wlthint3client.bnd
this is done with the setting in wlthint3client.bnd
From Fuse 6.3 Roll up patch 1, you can achieve the same directly in a profile; to add the wrapped wlthint3client.jar in a profile just add in something on the lien of:
bundle.wlthint3client =$Import-Package=javax.ejb;resolution:=optional,javax.ejb.spi;resolution:=optional,javax.jms;resolution:=optional,javax.transaction;resolution:=optional,javax.transaction.xa;resolution:=optional,;resolution:=optional,*;resolution:=optional&Export-Package=!javax.ejb,!javax.ejb.spi,!javax.jms,!javax.transaction,!javax.transaction.xa,!,*
- To build this project be sure to have maven 3.x installed and from the directory run:
mvn clean package
- Download from Oracle the
jar. - To deploy the example to JBoss Fuse 6.2.1 container. You will run the following command from karaf shell:
features:install activemq-camel
osgi:install wrap:file://<projecthome>/wlthint3client.jar,file://<projecthome>/wlthint3client.bnd
osgi:install -s file://<projecthome>/target/fuseWeblogicBEAconnection-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar