
These are the steps I took to get the Kinect2 to run on jetson nano. These steps will let you run the Kinect2 in C++ and Python.

you need to have youre nano setup with instructions from this repo:

You need to make sure that you have installed Opencv 4.1. There is a bug in opencv 4.0 that makes the Kinect2 angry.

To get started head on over to: This is the Libfreenect2 repo. We will need to install this first before we can install Pylibfreenect2. Scroll down to the LINUX install section and start there:

You need to replace "/joev/" with youre path name.

These are the commands I used:

1.$git clone

2.$cd libfreenect2

3.$sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake pkg-config

4.$sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev

5.$sudo apt-get install libturbojpeg0-dev

6.$sudo apt-get install libglfw3-dev

7.$sudo apt-get install libopenni2-dev

8.$mkdir build

9.$cd build

10.$cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/freenect2


12.$make install

13.$sudo cp ../platform/linux/udev/90-kinect2.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/

14.$cd /home/joev/libfreenect2/build

To test that everything works run:sudo ./bin/Protonect. You should get a video and depth streams. This install was preaty straight forward.

Now to install Plibfreenect2 so we can run Kinect2 in python

head over to :

You need to replace "/joev/" with youre path name.

  1. $sudo ~/.bashrc

  2. Scroll down to the bottom and install this:

export LIBFREENECT2_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/joev/libfreenect2/

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/joev/freenect2/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

  1. ctrl x then enter yes then enter.

  2. $source ~/.bashrc

  3. Copy "config.h" & "export.h" from /home/joev/libfreenect2/build/libfreenect2/ and install them in: /home/joev/libfreenect2/include/libfeenect2/

  4. to test run: ${LIBFREENECT2_INSTALL_PREFIX}include/libfreenect2/config.h if everything is in right place it will return: bash: /home/joev/libfreenect2/include/libfreenect2/config.h:permission denied

  5. copy "lib" folder from :/home/joev/libfreenect2/build/ and put in: /home/joev/libfreenect2/

  6. Go ahead and start youre .virtual enviroment.

9.$pip install pylibfreenect2

10.$pip install git+

11.$git clone

12.$cd /home/joev/pyliqbfreenect2/examples



You should be getting the video streams if everything went well.