
NodeJs with Express application for "Reti di Calcolatori" course at university of Sapienza

Primary LanguageJavaScript


QuickEvent is a REST web application based on Nodejs with Express for “Reti di calcolatori” course at university of Sapienza. The purpose of the app is to easily share and join events. Users can also interact with a chat and a notify system based on Socket.io and AMQP. For more info see

The application is accessible on “Heroku” at https://quickeventapp.herokuapp.com/

Note : Source code is written to work in a local environment on port 5000


  1. The REST service that we implement (we called it APP) must offer documented APIs
  2. APP must interface with at least two "external" REST services, ie not on localhost
  3. At least one of the external REST services must be "commercial".
  4. At least one of the external REST services must request oauth
  5. Websocket and AMQP must be used
  6. The project must be on GIT and documented with a README
  7. The REST APIs implemented in APP must be documented on GIT and must be validated with a test case

Write by:

  • Valerio Coretti
  • Manuel Ivagnes