

  1. Probability - First Steps by E.S. Wentzel 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  2. Applied Problems in Probability Theory by Wentzel and Ovcharov
  3. Principles of Mathematical Analysis by Walter Rubin
  4. What is mathemarics by Richard Courand and Herbert Robbins
  5. Introduction to matrix analysis by Richard Bellman
  6. Combinatorial mathematics for recreation Vilenkin
  7. Challenhing mathematical problems with elementary solutions, Volume I, Combinatorial Analysis and Probability Theory Yaglom & Yaglom
  8. Collection ofproblems in probability theory by Meshalkin
  9. Algebra by Gelfand and Shen
  10. Kolmogorov Complexity and Algorirhmic Randomness by Shen, Uspensky, Vereschagin
  11. Mathematical Analysis – A Brief Course For Engineering Students by A.F . Bermant; I. G. Aramanovich
  12. A Collection of Problems on a Course of Mathematical Analysis by Berman
  13. Higher Mathematics ( Part 1) – for Engineering Students Part 1. Linear Algebra and Fundamentals of Mathematical Analysis by A. V. Efimov; B. P. Demidovich
  14. Mathematical Analysis In Questions And Problems by B. F. Butuzov (Ed.); N. Ch. Krutitsknyn; G. N. Medvedev; A. A. Shishkin
  15. Mathematical Handbook – Elementary Mathematics by M. Vygodsky
  16. Foundations of The Theory of Probability by A.N. Kolmogorov
  17. Operations research pdf by Elena Wentzel
  18. Measure, Lebesgue Integrals and Hilbert Space – Kolmogorov and Fomin by Kolmorogov and Fomin pdf
  19. The method of mathematical induction by Sominskii
  20. Methods Of Solving Problems in High School Mathematics by A. G. Tsypkin; A. I. Pinsky ; V. I. Blagodatskikh (Editor)
  21. Mathematical Handbook – Higher Mathematics by Vygodsky
  22. Differential and Integral Calculus (Volumes 1 & 2) volume 1 volume II by Piskunov
  23. Higher Mathematics For Beginners And Its Application To Physics by Zeldovich
  24. Calculus: Basic Concepts for High Schools by Tarasov
  25. Differential Equations and the Calculus of Variations pdf by Elsgolts
  26. The World is Built on Probability by Lev Tarasov
  27. Problems In Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics And Theory Of Random Functions by Sveshnikov
  28. Probability And Information by Yaglom and Yaglom
  29. An Elementary Introduction to The Theory of Probability by Gnedenko, Khinchin
  30. Theory of Probability pdf by Gnedenko
  31. Fundamentals of Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry pdf by Bugrov, Nikolsky
  32. Higher Mathematics ( Part 1) – for Engineering Students Part 1. Linear Algebra and Fundamentals of Mathematical Analysis by A. V. Efimov; B. P. Demidovich
  33. Linear Algebra with Elements of Analytic Geometry by Solodovnikov, Toropova
  34. Linear Algebra And Multi Dimensional Geometry by Efimov, Rozendorn
  35. Linear Algebra: Problems Book pdf by Ikramov
  36. Linear Algebra pdf by Voyevodin
  37. Problems in Linear Algebra pdf by Proskuryakov
  38. Analytical Geometry by Pogorelov
  39. Problems In Analytic Geometry by D. Kletenik
  40. A Collection Of Problems (Higher Mathematics) by Bugrov, Nikolsky
  41. Mathematical Analysis – Functions, Limits, Series, Continued Fractions by Lyusternik, Yanpol’skii (Eds.)
  42. Ordinary Differential Equations by Pontryagin
  43. Mathematical Analysis In Questions And Problems by B. F. Butuzov (Ed.); N. Ch. Krutitsknyn; G. N. Medvedev; A. A. Shishkin
  44. A Course on Mathematical Analysis by Khinchin
  45. A Course of Mathematical Analysis Volume 1 Volume 1 pdf Volume 2 Volume 2 pdf