
A simple HTTP File Server made in Elixir using cowboy Erlang/OTP HTTP server

Primary LanguageElixir


A simple HTTP File Server made in Elixir using cowboy Erlang/OTP HTTP server that handles GET and PUT methods.
Based on the Python Simple HTTP Server.

Launch server

You only need to fetch the dependencies and launch it as a simple elixir application.

$ mix deps.get
$ iex -S mix

And there it is! your server is running and serving the /tmp/ dir.

Configure server

You may change the default ip, port, or root_dir in the file config/config.ex.

GET requests

GET <directory>

GET <directory> : requests of directories will return the ls -AF of the requested dir.


$ curl localhost:8080/

Return the ls -AF of the root directory of the application, <root-dir>, that may be set in config.ex.

GET <file>

GET <file> : requests of files will return the content of the file.


(1) Check the content of the file <root-dir>/a.txt as a text/html.

$ curl localhost:8080/a.txt

(2) Download the content of the file <root-dir>/a.txt.

$ wget localhost:8080/a.txt

PUT requests

PUT <file> : use PUT requests to upload files to the server

example: Upload the file a.txt and write it under the dir <root-dir>/b/c/d/e/. Create all necessary subdirectories. Overwrite files with same path.

$ curl --upload-file a.txt localhost:8080/b/c/d/e/