
A rabbitMQ distributed implementation of Lamport's Algorithm for Mutual Exclusion, written in python 3 using pika rabbitMQ library.

Primary LanguagePython

Lamport's Algorithm Implementation

That's a distributed implementation of Lamport's Algorithm for Mutual Exclusion, written in python 3 using pika rabbitMQ library.

Even if the nodes are launched in the same machine, they receive different ports.

The system simulates a situation where multiple processes (from different machines or not) try to access a shared resource, that may only be used by one node at a time.

Full documentation at: Repport


Requirement Function
Python 3 This implementation was tested in Python 3.6.2 so any Python 3 compiler may be able to run the code.
Pika 0.11.0 RabbitMQ python library
RabbitMQ 3.6.12 You must run a RabbitMQ Server on localhost


There are some usage examples on the Repport, but, to start:

1- Install RabbitMQ and run a server on localhost.

2- Install dependecies

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

3- Launch a node:

python node.py

4- Broadcast request message:

After the node is connected, type a integer x to create a request of x seconds.


This implementation has the following limitations, that may be respected to avoid deadlock situations.

1- At least two clients must be running before the first request is sent.

2- A node can only join the system if the queues of all the others nodes are empty.

3- No node shall leave the system.

Silent Mode

To hide debug logs so the terminal only shows the critical section being used, open node.py and change the global constant DEBUG to False.