
React Todo-list challenge | Ironhack Bcn | 2019

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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React Todo-list challenge

< Frontend Test >

What is this about:

The purpose of this test is to know your ability to create a small functional single page application in a limit of time. Below you’ll find the features, the requirements and the key points you should keep on mind while developing.

What we’ll evaluate

  • The final product.
  • The use of ES6 features is allowed and encouraged.
  • The use of CSS processors (Sass, LESS...) is allowed and encouraged.
  • The following are a bonus points for the candidate:
    • ✓ Code quality
    • ✓ Mobile support
    • ✓ Application structure
    • ✓ User Interface
    • ✓ Planning session ( README, Kanban etc.. )

What we want you to do

We want you to start simple and focus on a working product. At the same time this challenge has no limitations and we encourage you to be creative in terms of functionality and style (includes frontend and backend).

Example User stories

  • Create todo As a user I want to create a new todo/task with title and body and save it in the database.
  • List todos As a user I want to see all my todos in a list.
  • Delete todo As a user I want to delete a todo from the list when I don't want it anymore.


  • Update todo A a user I want to be able to modify an existing todo.
  • Done As a user I want to mark my todo as done.
  • Move todos As a user I want to rearrange my todos.
  • etc...

Provided material

  • Fork and clone this repository.
  • Run the following commands:
cd challenge-todo-app
npm install
npm start

You will get intstuctions about installation and how to access the Todo REST api there.

Delivery requirements

  • Push your application to GitHub and send the repository url on Slack.
  • The application should include connection between the backend and the frontend.
  • It should show a list of todos/tasks.
  • It should include a form to add todos/tasks.
  • The solution must run properly
  • A text file with any instruction required for compiling and/or running the application should be provided as it would be directed to a no technical user.

Delivery extra (not required)

  • Complete CRUD.
  • Any kind of look & feel or usability improvement for showing your ability/experience in making attractive UI/UX will be evaluated.
  • Any extra comment explaining about what was done or what the candidate would had wanted to improve but didn’t due to lack of time, will be appreciated and evaluated.

🤩 Good Luck! 🤩