
A python script that sets the data taken metadata using the name of the photo.

Primary LanguagePython

Photo Date Taken Script


This is a python script for editing date taken metadata for photos. To set it, the name of the photos are used. Usually when a photo is taken the date is saved in the name like IMG-yyyymmdd-hhmmss.format.

This is useful when you want to upload your photos using a provider like Google Photos that sorts them by the time the photo was taken. Sometimes this metadata is not set by default, or the photo was sent/received using an app like Whatsapp. The name remains, but the date taken is erased.

This script supports whatsapp name formatting and the usual type of name.

How to use

Run the script and insert into the console the path of your folder. It will recursively traverse through all the folders and files and edit the date taken metadata.
